Blog - My Metaphysical Journey
Blog - My Metaphysical Journey

Perception of Transformation
Perception of Transformation
22 November 2022
TRANSFORMATION - It's a big word that many perceive to have different meanings because how do you truly judge if transformation has occurred?

Healing Aspects of Douglas-fir
Healing Aspects of Douglas-fir
11 October 2022
The great and majestic Douglas-fir, (genus Pseudotsuga) growing an impressive 90m high, is a tree that I’ve known since my childhood. Many walk by this tree not even knowing its name and understanding how important it is to our ecosystems, spirituality and health.

Stillness Behind a Camera Lens
Stillness Behind a Camera Lens
23 September 2022
Photography is not often thought of as a meditative experience. It’s seen as an art form, but how does one truly feel behind the lens…..

My Journey with Tarot
My Journey with Tarot
7 September 2022
My journey with tarot began in the early 2000’s when I was a teenager looking for answers about my intuitive nature. My teenage friends and I spent many Friday nights consulting our cards, asking life’s big questions…or so we thought lol!

29 August 2022
Meet Oya, one of the most powerful African goddesses! In my favourite tarot deck "The Goddess Tarot" by Kris Waldherr, she represents the major arcana XI Strength card. Oya is the Yoruba goddess of the Niger River and is the patroness of female leadership and strength.